A Declaration of Dependence
We, the undersigned, accept the following concepts as basic to the best interest and welfare of women, their families and the nation:
-- We believe that the man should be the breadwinner and head of the family.
-- We believe that women should be feminine and dependent, devoting themselves to the feminine arts and skills, and creating happy homes.
-- We believe that the greatest contribution a woman can make to the well being of society is in the home, successfully filling her role as the understanding wife, devoted mother and successful homemaker.
-- We recognize that some women have time and talents to give outside the home, but believe they should be secondary to her greater responsibility in the home.
-- We believe that men and women are different physically, psychologically, socially, temperamentally and therefore are not created to be equals with men in responsibility.
-- We believe that a greater state of happiness exists for both men and women when men are masculine, dominant and aggressive, assuming their responsibility to guide, protect and provide for their families, and when women are feminine, trustful and dependent, devoting themselves to their feminine role. We do not believe in equating the sexes.
-- We oppose free child care centers. They cannot possibly take the place of a mother’s love and kindness, her training and teaching. Children left in day care centers are deprived of the spiritual influences that instill values and build the framework of their lives.
-- We oppose any amendment to the constitution that will provide equality of the sexes.
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